No, I didn’t say “certifiable”, though I’m sure that there are those who think I probably *am* certifiable.
Nope, I am now a Certified Professional Photographer (CPP) through the Professional Photographers of America (PPA). In order to become certified, one first must be a member of PPA. Then, you must declare your candidacy, pass a written exam and then pass an image submission exam. I declared my candidacy last May and took the written exam last June at Photo Pro Network’s Summer School in Owensboro. The exam is 100 questions in length and you must score at least a 70 in order to pass. The questions cover everything photographic and I studied for probably a year before declaring. I was really pleased to pass the score with only 7 incorrect answers!
I took a while to prepare my images for image submission. Submission entails 6 compulsory images, plus 9 client images. I had to demonstrate that I understand how to properly light a subject (both broad light and short light) and how to use selective focus to highlight the main subject of a photograph.

My other compulsories were chosen from 6 options. I chose to demonstrate Rule of Thirds (a compositional technique), texture, and color harmony.

Image submission periods are only open every two months. There is a window for submissions that lasts for two weeks. I actually submitted midway through the April 2015 period. Once submissions close, candidates have to wait three weeks to find out whether or not they pass. If your compulsory images don’t pass, the judges don’t even look at your client images. Since I submitted a week before deadline, I’ve been waiting for 4 weeks to see whether or not I passed. Fortunately, I’ve been busy with agility trial photography, so I didn’t really have time to stress out until this week. This week, I confess, I’ve been pretty distracted. I should have been editing images from the last agility trial, but my mind has been on CPP.
Today, before heading to Nosework class with Ian, the English Cocker, I checked email. There is was……an email with the subject heading “CPP Results”. I sat there and was afraid to open the email. I finally got up the nerve to open it. It started out with a platitude thanking me for taking part in the CPP image submission process. I thought to myself…..”Oh no! I didn’t pass!” Then my eyes skimmed a little further to find the word “CONGRATULATIONS” in all caps. I had to read the email three times before it really sank in. I am now a CPP, a Certified Professional Photographer. I am beyond pleased to say that all of the images that I used were dog portraits (except the Selective Focus image, which was dog-related).
There are only a handful of CPPs who specialize in pet photography. I am proud to say that I am now among their ranks. If you’ve been wanting to have a beautiful photographic portrait taken of your favorite four-legged friend, give me a call at (502) 592-7071 or email me at to schedule a consultation.